Adult Program 23/10/2024

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Wed 23 Oct 2024 09:30 — 11:00
Brisbane Aquatic Centre

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Adult Diving Session - 1 Lesson
$15.00 ea

Event Waiver

NOTE: Recreational activities including aerial manoeuvres (somersaults, flips, twists) involve an inherent risk of significant physical harm, including personal injury, permanent disability and/or death. Such harm may result from your actions, or the actions and/or omissions of others. I, the below named person, in participating in any Queensland Diving Association Inc (DQ) recreational events (Activities) in the sport of springboard and platform diving organised by DQ hereby acknowledge, understand and agree to the following:

1. There are inherent risks associated with diving and the use of dryland facilities (including, but not limited to diving boards, trampolines, gymnastic equipment and foam pits) which may result in personal injury (even of a serious nature) to participants. I fully accept and agree to bear these risks.

 2. To the full extent permitted by the Competition and Consumer Law Act 2010 (CCA), the Australian Consumer Law, Queensland Civil Liability Act 2003, the Personal Injuries Proceedings Act 2002, and Common Law, I absolve, release, discharge and indemnify DQ and Stadiums Queensland, its officers, employees, servants, representatives and agents (Indemnities) from any and all liability for any personal injury, mental anguish, loss, damage or expenses of any kind suffered by me, however caused arising out of my participation in the Recreational Diving Programme, including without limitation, where caused by any acts of negligence by the Indemnities.

3. I agree to advise DQ in writing of any disability or medical problem which may cause or promote any injury or illness.

4. By registering for this event, I indicate that I have read carefully and understand this declaration, warrant, waiver and release, and having done so, I submit to it voluntarily.