Level 1 Coach Accreditation Course


Sat 22 Jul 2017 11:00 — Sun 23 Jul 2017 08:00

Event information

Registrations for this event are closed.

Diving Queensland is holding a Level 1 Coach Accreditation Course on Saturday 22nd July (11:00 am - 4:00 pm) and Sunday 23rd July (8:00 am - 11:00 am), at the Brisbane Aquatic Centre, Sleeman Sports Complex, Chandler.

All enquiries or questions regarding the coaches course and/or accreditation process should be directed to the Diving Queensland Coaching Coordinator, Di Smith at alandi2@ozemail.com.au or by phoning 0411 121 198

The cost of this course is $150 per participant.

Upon close of registrations on Tuesday 20th June, all participants who register for this course will receive notification of next steps, which is to successfully complete all online components prior to the practical workshop, and provide all completed certification to the DQ Coaching Coordinator for processing.

More info about the workshop weekend:

Saturday 22nd July from 11:00 am to 4:00 pm

Included in this session: Dryland (3 hours) Water (1 hour): strength and conditioning; sequence of movement; springboard takeoffs; visual spotting; basic dives.

Sunday 23rd July from 8:00 am to 11:00 am

Included in this session: Water component - entries; first basic dives; platform takeoffs; aerial positions; visual spotting.

Level 1 pre-requisites: 

Candidates should familiarise themselves with the following requirements necessary

  • Must be a minimum of 16 years of age at the time of the practical workshop (an applicant aged 15 years and 9 months may apply at the discretion of Diving Queensland, however, accreditation will not be awarded until the applicant reaches 16).
  • Must be a financial member of Diving Australia (registered through State Association). 
  • Successfully complete Australian Sports Commission Community Coach General Principles (on-line course)
  • Successfully complete Play by the Rules Child Protection and Anti-Harassment (on-line course)
  • Successfully complete DA NCAS Level 1 Coach Education Course (upon payment of course fee, the State Coaching Coordinator will supply all participant email information to the DA National Coaching Coordinator, who will organise log-in information for each participant. Log-in information will be forwarded to each participant).  The online course is to be completed prior to commencement of the practical workshop.

After the practical workshop:

Practical coaching under the direct supervision of an accredited Level 2 (or higher) Diving Coach (standing beside Level 2 coach) - Minimum of 25 hours

**Please note: It is recommended practice for a trainee coach that may be 15 years and 9 months but under 16 years of age, to continue past the minimum of 25 hours until they reach the age of 16 years, when they are eligible to apply for coach accreditation.

Other accreditation requirements:

  • obtain a current first aid certificate
  • obtain a current CPR certification
  • obtain a current anaphylaxis and asthma certification
  • complete the ASADA Anti-Doping Level 1 certification (on-line course)
  • complete the Keeping Sport Honest certification (on-line course)
  • hold a current QLD Working with Children clearance (paid Bluecard)

** Trainee coaches are not required to register as a coach with DA until they apply for accreditation.  However, they must be under a Level 2 coach supervisor while they are accumulating hours and prior to receiving accreditation.  Trainee coaches must be 16 years of age before applying for accreditation.